Sunday 11 March 2012

Information on meditation

 Is the process of calming the mind
And making still the body to create a feeling
 Of inner peace and well being. 
Too often in our increasingly hectic daily lives,  We don't take the time to slow down and simply "be".

Meditation is widely recognised in cultures
Throughout the world for its ability to connect
 The mind and body to the spirit.

Although meditation can be performed anywhere,
 It is best to practise the ritual in the same space,
 Thus building the energy of the area.

Posture is an important aspect of meditation
 As good posture ensures a smooth flow of oxygen
 And energy throughout the body. Ideally,
 One should feel as though they are being
Lifted by the head, and that the spine is
Fully extended. This position is best accommodated
 By sitting, or walking, as lying down can induce
Sleep during meditation.

Begin the meditation by sitting comfortably
(Preferably in a cross-legged position if possible).     
Check your posture carefully before beginning.

Holding the thumb and forefinger of each hand in   
 A traditional meditative pose signals the mind
 That you are now entering meditation, and allow The energy in the body to flow continuously.

Object Focus

 As the term implies, objects focus meditation                                  
 Involves selecting an item that creates a
Feeling of peace or beauty for the practitioner,
 And concentrating your thoughts on that object.
The items used are a matter of personal choice,
 But some examples that work particularly well are:

A lit candle or fire in a fireplace
A tree or flower
Artistic items such as religious allegories and illustrations
Water (either a bowl of water, a gently flowing fountain, ocean, or beach)

This form of meditation is increasingly popular.

While in a meditative state,
One is talked through,
Or talks himself or herself through a vision, or image.
That image becomes the sole focus of ones mind.
The most important concept of visualization is to be aware of the power of the mind. Whatever you believe is the reality you create. This can be hard work, but once you have trained your mind to think positively, your quality of life will dramatically improve.


walking is a very relaxing form of meditation
Where the focus becomes the physical feelings
Experienced within the foot with each small, slow step.

Walking meditation can be performed in a small area
(Such as a house or apartment), can be done outside             
 (Providing the interruptions are few),
Or within a labyrinth. A labyrinth is a specially built
 Walking path designed to enhance and promote the meditative,
 Walking state.

Breath Watching
This type of meditation requires focus
On the breath entering and exiting the body.                   
 When breathing normally, the lungs are not
Used to their capacity. Breathing is generally
Shallow, resulting in the expansion of only
The upper part of the chest.

By taking several long, slow, deep breaths
And focusing on expanding the entire rib cage
And abdomen, increased flows of oxygen are transported
Around the body via the circulatory system.

The simplicity of this form of meditation allows
For its use in a variety of circumstances, easing
 Stress quickly, and allowing the mind to regain focus. 


Using a mantra in meditation involves the repetition
Of particular words which have spiritual significance
To the practitioner.

The most popular meditative mantra is "OM".
This phrase is thought to be the basis of
All sounds in the universe, originating
From the Hindu Vedas.

Restating this phrase creates a sort of hum in the ears,
 A sense of vibration in the abdomen, chest, and throat,
And is very comforting. This helps to still and focus the mind.


 Peaceful and melodic music can help focus the mind 
 On the practise of meditation. Ridding the mind of
 Everyday thoughts can sometimes be difficult.
Focusing on the gentle rhythms of a carefully chosen
Piece can be very useful in re-directing the mind.

Some home grown meditation
 Courtesy of Brenda from her new book
Becoming an angel intuitive.

Dirty dancing meditation

This technique is one I love and is so simple.

First find your favourite music some thing sexy and fun.

Then turn off all the lights and only burn one candle, I find some times burring rose, ylang ylang and lilac a good combination for this meditation. Now play your music not to loud, make sure no one is around u and u can’t be disrupt. Now dance your heart. Pretend u have Latin dance partner and he/she wants to dance with u. but its not ballroom dancing its hot dirty dancing. Move to the beat, swing the hips, bring out the sex goddess in u. twirl along the floor, pretend u are in a competition and are winning over the crowd with great moves. Hear the crowd roar and hear the appaloosas.
At the end of song, see people throwing flowers at your feet as u reach down to pick them up smell each one, be grateful for they presents. As they are thanking u for your great performance. Bow and open your eyes u is done.
This one is great to do, as u feels like u are the best dancers in the world. And great for lonely nights. He he

Colour therapy table
I had this vision that won’t go away. I see a massage table, with a light machine hanging down over the top. This light machine had many gadgets on it. U could turn a handle on the machine to change the light colours, all colour's of the charka system, white light, golden light and a rainbow effect also.
As well as different colours, u could make the stream of light thicker or a fine line. The thick ray is to cover a large area, and the fine ray to be specific on a certain area. While people are lying on the table u can move the ray of light over them, colour therapy treatments as well as a massage. Say some thing was wrong with the kidney area, u can move to fine ray of light, with which colour u think will help to heal them, then u can place the machine and ray of light over them. I was very impressed with this idea, and could see all the benefits from it. But how do I make this. So this is why I am sharing all my visions with people, if some one out there loves this idea and would like to create it and use it. Please go ahead.
I believe it can benefit all mankind's, so why spread the news and call in as many people as u can to get it going.

Key ring

Also in the same vision as the one above this, I saw a portable light machine. To use on people in emergency, or in accidents. It was a key ring with the same light functions as the big machine, but with only one colour (green). This way u can whip this out, say when some one falls down and hurts they knee, u can place the light key ring over the sore area and cover that area with green healing light. They will be no need for Band-Aids any more he he. Could also be used in ambulances and emergency wards of hospital. And every good mother should carry one on her keys.

Feather duster meditation

Another vision I had late one night, was a meditation idea. I get bored very quickly with meditation and love to try new ones. So I asked my angels to show me a few new meditation ideas. This was one they showed me. I will give u short version, please add on any extra bits u want to add in, this is just the basic outline for you. Lie down on the floor, take a few deep breaths, center yourself, then just relax, feeling all your concerns and worries drift away. Now picture a beautiful angel at your side on they knees as they are so tall. This angel touches you and soothes and calms you. Now the mighty gentle angel pulls out a feather duster, but this feather duster, isn’t a normal one. It is multi coloured and glowing like a rainbow. It is spectral, the angel place the feather duster over your root charka area, and it turns a lovely red colour, u can see the feather duster pulsating and u can feel the tingle in that area. Just like a normal feather duster the tickle sensation. The angel swirls the feather duster around the root charka area. The gentle giant, moves the feather duster up to the next charka point the spleen charka and it turns a vibrate orange, piercing like the sun, u can now really feel the warmth. U can see the feather duster as a swirling orange ball, as it sinks in deep in that charka area. Then the angel moves the feather duster up one move charka area, to the solar plexus charka area. It slow turns into a yellow, u can see a sunflower effect before your very eyes, this area is sprinkled with sunflowers, and one large sunflower covers this area. U can smell it and feel the petals resting against your skin.
Then the angel guides the feather duster up over your chest area, to the heart charka area. The feather duster turns a beautiful fresh green colour; u can heal the healing effect of the green colour. U can smell and taste the forest as the angel swirls around the feather duster. Half of the feather duster turns a beautiful pretty pink, so half of it is healing, while the other half is sending u UN conditional love. The whole feather duster now is pink and u can feel love all around, it is an awesome feeling and very mumbling experience. Now the angel moves the feather duster up to, the throat area, and it turns a calming blue, just like a crystal clear lagoon. U can feel your throat area loosen up and just completely relax as the angel tickles your throat area, it makes u laugh, and this laugh is a releasement and very comforting. Don’t worry about laughing out loud, that it might interrupt the flow of the meditation. I have been told many times by the angels that laugh truly is the best medicine and we all should lighten up way more. Meditation doesn’t have to be so rigid and formal. It’s about healing and relaxing and laughter does it all. So go ahead and have a great belly laugh, let it rip right out of throat area. After your done, u will feel freed and lightheaded. Now the angel moves the feather duster to the third eye charka area, the feather duster turns a indigo colour, flashing purple, blue at u. the angels also ask u to hold a thought in your head, for this charka only, they request u picture a pyramid.  Pointing up to your crown charka. Draw it in your head or see it in-between your eyes, just resting there.
Now release the thought, as it has been planted there now.
The angel moves the feather duster up towards the crown charka.
And see u guessed it turns into a violet colour. But u can also smell a violet flower around your nose. The duster tickles u and makes the hair on the back of your head stick up. Now the loving angel touches your fore head and tells u how much u are loved.
Now very slowly and when u is ready open your eyes slowly and come back.
This meditation is the long one, a very quick and easy way to pick yourself up through out the day, or any time it is needed.  Just to picture a rainbow coloured feather duster running over your body, sending all charkas the right colour and angel vibration, all in one easy application. Try it for quick fix.

Tin man rescue

Its is also a meditation, think of the tin man in the wizard of oz.
He comes to you in a meditative state, with his old tin can. The old fashion pumps kind. Inside the pump can is filled with green slime magic oil. The tin can with his kind heart pumps the green oil all over you. To every part of your body, every system and every cell. Any part that is aching or sore adds more oil to this area. This special magical oil refreshes you and gives u more mobility.

Hair dresser meditation

Start with your normal meditation sequence and then picture a spiritual hair dresser saloon. See the most beautiful angel possible guiding towards a seat. Here she washes your hair; she tells how we keep all the stress from men or women in our hair. She starts to sing the song  “I am to wash that man right of your hair”. This leaves u feeling energised and not a care in world about old or new relationships. Then she gorgeous angel brings out a hair dryer, which blows pink air into your scalp. This she explains is for UN conditional love to replace and hurt or broken hearts. At the same time, she is soaking your hands in a bowl of golden water; u can see your fingers glisten. Then u look downs and sees your feet are in mudpack solution. She tells u this is grounding. U mush’s the mud in-between your toes and feels the oozy mud all over your feet. Then she washes u off with a cloth, with rose water, this she tells u is for a blessing and a sign of respect from her to you. Now slowly bring your self-back feeling pampered and in the lap of luxury.

Drum and gong therapy

 Buy yourself or go to some one that has a drum or a gong. These days many markets do gong or drum therapy.
Lay down and let some one walk around beating the drum or gong. Let yourself receive the vibration, feel the beat of the drum or gong in your heart. This one is great for bring all the levels of your mind, body and soul come back into order and recharge the batteries

Bath meditation

Now the best one of all. Well I think so any way.
Time to relax in the bath, picture yourself undressing or really do all of this doesn’t matter it works both ways. Start to fill the bath with water, add in your favourite frangence. I like to have bubbles. I want u to also add in some rose petals, to make u feel like a million dollars. Now slowly slip into your warm, it is just the right temperature for u. feel the luxury of the water lapping at u. splashing all over your body, this is so relaxing, u feel yourself and your body melt away into the tub. Now turn the tap on, this is magical tap it pours out unconditional love and it is also a signal to your mind to go into a deeper state of meditation. This water activates your charka system bring it all back into alignment. Now feel this magical water moving up your toes, legs, knees, calves, pelvis, hips, belly, chest, arms, neck, face, and hair. The whole time u are safe and can breathe fine. As it goes over each charka point it turns into a whirlpool, going in a clockwise rotation.
Now feel this water penetrating every cell from the outside in.
Now I just want u to picture yourself floating on top of the water, deeply relaxed, loving every moment in this peaceful environment.
This make u have faith and trust the process, u can feel a ripple effect going through your body and u can also feel mind blank.
Now can your roll over and pretend to swim with the tide, this is reforming going with flow of the universe.
Last but not least, reach to the bottom of the tub and here u will find present, a lovely shell, or maybe even a perfect rose. This is your gift from the universe, take it and place it in your body, now u are willing and able to receive all from the universe. Now please open your eyes and rejoin human race, but at least now, u are aligned again and working as one with the universe again.
Flouro pen meditation

Medicine man bag meditation

I would like you to picture a river, and along the bank, u can see tee pees. Native American tribe gathers around together in a circle, with a small fire in the middle. They invite to take a seat. They invitation was made with such love and trust. You take a seat and get comfortable. Straightaway u meet a mighty chief, who introduced himself as the medicine man. He hands you a felt brown bag with beading on the front pocket. You look inside it, and it is empty. He tells you this is your very own medicine bag, and wants to fill it up. With things you will need to heal. He tells u that you are born healer and must start to heal yourself first, so u can then heal others. You ask him what things you will need to put into the medicine bag. He shows you images of crystals, what colour are they? Were they big or small? Flat or round? Shine or dull? Was the crystal rough or smooth? , How many are needed? Place this crystal inside your bag. Now he shows you a herds, what does this herd smell like? How do they taste? what  colour and texture ?. Place this item into your bag. He shows u a pile of feathers, grab a few. How do they feel? How many did u grab? what animal are they from ? Place them into your bag.
He places in front of u a bowl of different colour sands, grab a handful of your favourite colour. Or maybe combine a few colour's together. Place the sand into your bag.
He takes u for a walk along the river, ask u to obtain your favourite rock. U go looking, and hunting around for your favourite rock. Finally u find the right one and place it into your bag. Now u settles back down again near the fire. He asks u to stare into the fire and to call on your animal spirit guide. Which animals do u sees the smoke turn into. Remember this animal as it will give u important information. Place this image of the animal spirit guide into your bag. Now take a close look at the tee pee. See the designs on them, pick your favourite one and draw it on a piece of paper. This is your healing symbol. Place the paper with the symbol on it into your medicine bag. In front of you is a magical meadow, with a whole range of wild flowers. Go through this meadow and pick one flower. Then place this flower into your bag.
You thank the medicine man for his time, and he gives u sacred essential oil. The oil has a brown leaf wrapped around it. U open the leaf up slowly and take a smell. It is so intoxicating and warming to all your senses. Your know exactly what to do with it, place it into your bag. Your medicine bag is now complete.
The medicine man tells you two important things. The first one is to keep collecting special things to put in your bag. The more you collect the more knowledge you will gain. The second one is, to come back again to visit with him, so he can continue his lessons with you and how to use the items in the medicine bag. He also states it is import to carry the medicine in your mind with you all time, as u never know when you will need it. He turns into an eagle and fly’s away. Now open your eyes slowly and come back to present Day State of mind.

Coloured pyramid vision

Now this one, was another vision, of some thing, we can make to help in meditation process. I know u can buy one of these, but I think the angels have shown me, one that has extras. What u need make if u choose to do this is, make you’re a pyramid u can sit under, I found one easy way to do this, u can buy a kids pool, that has the pergola frame work over the pool, for shade protection. Well I took this after the pool was no good any more, and converted it into a pyramid. Now u need to make a sheet to go over it, or do as I did, cellophane wrap all different colours, glued onto it. Get as many colours as u can, for a powerful effect.
U can also add crystals, or charms, hanging chimes in the inside.
 I would over recommend a quartz crystal hanging down from the center point inside the pyramid this is to energies all the other crystal and to empower u while inside it. The primed is a power symbol and adding the crystals and charm just adds to it all. If u find it to over powering, remove some of it, or find the right combination for u. then enjoy, sit under it and meditate, even to music or to a tape or make up your own. I love the do the angel medicine CD from Doreen virtue in here, as in the CD it talks about a healing temple in it and I can picture my very own one around as I don’t need to pretend or to be taken there I am in there. Its like I am already a step ahead in all the process. Try it yourself or make your own healing temple meditation.

Colour rug mediation

Place on the floor a colour rug, and lay down on it. Soaking in each colour, take 5 deep breaths through each colour. If u need to stay long at any colour, then u are welcome to do some, because your intuition is telling u, u need to. Then u feel like u have had enough, I want u to roll over and repeat the process, breathing 5 times for each colour. The colour's u chooses are not really important because each colour's with blend to u what u will need. Stand up and give yourself a good shake, wiggle every part of your body. This is for adjustment of the body and so the vibrations can settle with in you.

Fluor pen meditation
Imagine a pack of Fluor pens in front of u, bright yellow, bright blue, green and pink.
 Pick up the green one and take off the lid. Place the marker over any part of the body that is hurting, tired or sore. Over this area I want u to, draw the figure 8, remember in the colour green only. Keep doing the figure 8 over and over again. Green is the colour of healing and the figure eight is the Tibetan sign of healing also used in kinesology. Cover the whole area of pain or discomfort in the figure eight. Now I would like u to put down the green pen and put the lid back on it. Now pick up the pink pen. Open the lid. Over your heart area I would like u to draw, love hearts every where. Saying to yourself “ I love, I am loved, and I am lovable”. Draw big hearts and small ones and different funny hearts. This is a remind to yourself of how much u are loved by yourself and by others all around, including the spirit home. Remember u can’t give out unconditional love to others until u completely love yourself first. Now place the pink pen down and put on the lid. Now pick up the blue pen and remove the lid. Raise it to the middle of your eyes. The third eye position. On here I would like to draw pyramids. And around the pyramids a circle of protection. So that the pyramid is in the middle of the circle. Go over and over the pyramid and the circle, and say I have psychic ability as u are doing this. See the brightest blue u can imagine.
Feel your third eye pulsate and open. U may see white spots around your eyes as focus this is normal and does go away. Now place the blue pen down and put on the lid.
Now the very last colour in sequence, please pick up the yellow pen and remove the lid. Move it over to your stomach area. Now I would like u to draw a five-pointed star, this is spiritual protection, against negativity. We hold this energy in our belly, hence layers of protection there. The five pointed star helps greatly with this and send a strong impulse to the rest of the body that u are protected and love, and no need to store waste here. Draw as many stars as u would like big or small doesn’t matter it’s the intent that matters the most. See these bright stars flashing a brilliant yellow. U can also feel the warm of the yellow perpetrate u. now put the pen down and put the lid back on. Now pack away all your pens, into your special pencil case that has your name on it. This is so no one else can use them as they only have your energy in them. Open your eyes feeling refresh protected and psychical ready for any thing. All your senses are open and are ready to practise your true naturally abilities.

Last notes

Just remember to relax and to have fun. no pressure no demands let your mind wander and see what comes out. Remember to picture things in your mind, images, smell, taste, hear, knowing, textures, sensation, reaction to things, symbols, or sayings that are repeated. Use your imagination and make believe all is possible, because sooner than later u won’t be able to tell if u are making it up in your mind or is it happening in your mind.

Just enjoy the process, your spirit guides and angels are waiting for you, to contact them.

Shut your eyes, take a few deep breaths
Please see a path filled with pebbles.
This path leads to a pond, with clear blue water.
Beside the pond are small pebbles from the path,
 I would like you to pick up a pebble.
Look at this pebble it has writing on it,
Across the rock it says, stress.
Throw this pebble as hard as u can, across the water.
Let it skim the surface, bouncing off the water, like it was jumping.
As it bounces one, two, three, feel the all your stress leave your body.
Feel, which parts of your body this, is effecting.
Now pick up another rock, this one is labelled fear, please throw this one
 Into the pond and watch it sinks, until u can’t see it any more. You have
 Just released all your fears. Can u tell me where in your body u hold your
Fear.  Now pick up another rock, because you are
Addicted to the feeling of playing with rocks, as it just feels so good.
This rock is called pain and regret; I want you to throw it as far as u can.
So pain and regret are way out of sight, they are in your past out of your reach,
Never to return.  Where in your body do u holds your past pains and regret.
U have learnt your lesson from the pain and regret and now u
Can live in the now. The piles of rocks below u are reducing in size.
The next rock is ladled ego and disappointment, with this rock I want u to bury it deep down in the sand at the edge of the pond, so u can push down your ego, it will always be there but now it is in control. It is buried and can stay bury as long as u
Make it stay that way with your thoughts.  Where in your body do u hold and feel ego and disappointment. Stomp on the sand where u buried the rock, do it with conviction. Now again pick up a rock, this one is weakness, suffering,
 And hate. I want to bounce off the pebble on the surface of the pond. I want to skip, hop and jump three times, then sinking so fast, in a blink of the eye. Where in your body did u keep the emotions of weakness, suffering and hate.
U are now strong, healthy and filled with love. There is no good reason or purpose from this moment on, to hold on to any emotional baggage that is keeping u down, from achieving your spiritual goals. U are free and u are leaving every thing behind in
The pond. So with this, turn away from the pond and thank it for containing your garbage and ask it to dilute and depose of it. Now walk back along the path, free, happy and like a weight has been lifted off your body.
Open your eyes and come back into the room.
Refreshed…alive and back on your spiritual path.

Core meditation

Shut eyes, relax, lie flat on the floor
Please physical do now, stretch your back, stomach area, raise your arms to the
Sky, now touch your toes. Now lie back and relax, u have just told your body u are ready to exercise, but a exercise with a difference, it will all be done now in your mind. Now please see in front of you a large plastic blue ball.
It is big enough for u to sit on, now sit on the ball, and find your balance.
The whole time u are on the ball, u are engaging your core muscles.
Open your legs slightly remember all done in your mind, and lean forward,
Look down into the rubber ball, it has turned a crystal colour, it is like a large
Crystal ball, in-between your legs, u are mesmerised it, and enter a trance.
In the crystal ball u can see rainbows and visions, ill give u moment to enjoy theses
 Visions. U feel relaxed and fascinated with what u are seeing.
Now relax back onto the ball; lay down on the ball so your back is covering the ball.
Arms to the side hanging roll back and forth on the rubber ball.
No need to worry u won’t fall off; the ball holds u in place with every movement.
Feel all the muscles in your body working and activated.
Your body is working hard, u feel hotter and start to sweat.
Now in your third eye only I want u to stand on top of the ball, as the ball opens up and u feel a sinking feeling as u are sinking into the ball. Just like quick sand.
U are now swollen whole by the ball and u are in the middle of the ball looking out.
U are surrounded with golden light, u are becoming one with the ball, emerging together for one purpose, u can feel its energy and the ball can sense yours also.
U can see colour's, shapes, and textures, curve of the ball. U are not scared, it is a wonderful experience and heaps of fun. Now push through the bubble of the ball, feet first, using every muscle in your body to break the seal. Feet come through first, and then your legs and then torso and neck and head. The whole time u are wiggling, twisting and turning to get out, all the time your core muscles are working very hard.
Now hold the body over your head, lifting it up and over in victory.
Now throw it into the air and it magically disappears. U watches it in amazement.
Now slowly open your eyes, feeling like u have done a major workout, u are breathing deep and so tired. But know u have extra energy, and are getting your second breath and ready to go again. 

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